Why Writing for Different Media is Crucial for Advertising Success

Written by Edward Sung

Woman sitting at a desk and typing on a Mac laptop

Have you ever felt like you’re shouting into the void with your marketing efforts? Trust me, you’re not alone. The digital landscape is vast, and standing out can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But here’s the thing: it’s not just about eye-catching photos and witty taglines—it's about truly understanding how people engage with each platform.

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, probably with a cup of coffee in one hand and a phone in the other. You’re not looking for a deep dive into industry insights; you want something quick, engaging, and maybe even a little entertaining.

Now, contrast that with when you’re on LinkedIn, where you’re more likely to be in the mindset to absorb detailed, insightful content. See the difference?

You can’t rely on a "one size fits all" approach to advertising. It’s like trying to wear the same outfit to a beach party and a business meeting—it just doesn’t work. Instead, take the time to adapt your messaging and presentation for each channel.

As we explore this topic, we'll see how writing for different media helps companies stand out and provide actionable tips for creating compelling content across various channels.

One Ad Doesn't Fit All: The Power of Tailored Messaging

Custom-tailored suit next to generic suits, illustrating tailored messaging

Imagine you’re getting a suit tailored. The tailor measures every inch, ensuring a perfect fit. They consider your body shape, the occasion, and even your personal style. The result? A suit that looks and feels fantastic.

The same principle applies to advertising content. Each platform has its own vibe and user behavior. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Facebook & Instagram: These are your go-to platforms for visual content. People are often scrolling quickly, so you need eye-catching images or videos. Think bright colors, bold text, and a clear call to action. Stories and Reels are fantastic for quick, engaging content.

  • TikTok: This platform is all about creativity and authenticity. Short, snappy videos with trending sounds can go viral. Show the human side of your brand, participate in challenges, and don’t be afraid to have a little fun.

  • LinkedIn: Here, people are more likely to spend time reading through posts. It’s a platform for professionals, so your content should be more polished and insightful. Share industry news, thought leadership articles, and detailed case studies.

A tailored approach to advertising is about making your audience feel seen and understood. It’s about delivering the right message in the right way, at the right time.

Take the time to understand each platform and adapt your strategy accordingly. Your efforts will pay off with a campaign that’s smart, polished, and impossible to ignore.

Remember, it’s not just about getting your message out there—it’s about making it stick.

Making Your Ad Work Across Media Platforms

Ad on smartphone pointing to adapted versions on other media devices

So, how can advertisers effectively navigate the diverse media landscape and create content that hits the mark every time? Here are three key strategies:

Know Your Audience

Understand your target audience. Do a deep dive into their demographics, interests, and behavior patterns. What kind of content do they engage with most? By answering these questions and creating detailed buyer personas, you can ensure that your messaging is always relevant and valuable to your intended recipients.

But bear in mind that people may act differently on different platforms. The same person who loves silly Instagram posts might want serious, work-related info on LinkedIn.

Some questions to ask:

  • What content and tone do they respond to on each platform?

  • When and how are they engaging—quick scrolling or longer reads?

  • What motivates them or captures their attention?

Speak the Language

Just as you wouldn't speak in formal, jargon-heavy language when chatting with friends, you shouldn't use a one-size-fits-all tone across all social media platforms. Each medium has its own style—X (formerly known as Twitter) is known for its informal, conversational tone, while LinkedIn tends to be more professional and business-oriented.

By immersing yourself in each platform and studying the type of content that performs well, you can learn to speak your audience's language and create content that truly resonates.

Grab Attention with Platform-Specific Headlines and CTAs

Ever feel like you’re in a race against time when it comes to grabbing attention on social media? You’re not alone. In social media’s fast-paced environment, you usually have just seconds to catch your audience's eye. That’s why crafting compelling, platform-specific headlines and calls to action is crucial.

On Facebook, for example, using numbers and posing questions in your headlines works like magic to boost engagement. Maybe it’s a headline that asks a question you’ve been pondering or a post that promises “5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Productivity.” Numbers and questions spark curiosity and make viewers want to click.

On Instagram, it’s mainly about the visuals, but don’t underestimate the power of a solid call to action in your image caption. Whether it’s “Swipe up to learn more” or “Double-tap if you agree,” a well-placed CTA can drive more clicks and conversions.

And let’s not forget TikTok. This platform is all about short, engaging videos, but a catchy headline or compelling CTA can lend to a video’s engagement. CTAs like “Follow for more tips!” or “Comment with your thoughts below!” can boost engagement and keep a brand front of mind.

Focusing on these key elements for your captions and CTAs can ensure that your content stands out in a crowded feed and inspires the audience to take action.

Real-World Success Stories: Brands That Nailed Multi-Platform Advertising

To see these strategies in action, let's examine some real-world examples of companies using tailored messaging across platforms for their ad campaigns.

Dollar Shave Club's "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" Campaign

  • Social Media: Dollar Shave Club leveraged the viral success of their introductory video to create humorous, relatable content across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, showcasing their irreverent brand voice and cost-saving value proposition.

  • Email Marketing: The company's email newsletters continued the lighthearted, conversational tone, offering subscribers exclusive deals, grooming tips, and product recommendations based on their preferences.

  • Video Spots: Following the runaway success of their initial launch video, Dollar Shave Club continued to invest in hilarious, off-the-wall video content, from product demos to animated explainers, solidifying their status as a disruptive, customer-centric brand.

  • Lessons Learned: Dollar Shave Club cut through the noise by leading with a robust and distinctive brand personality and consistently carrying that voice across all channels. This allowed the company to build a loyal following of engaged customers who appreciated its humor and value.

Airbnb's "Live There" Campaign

  • Social Media: Airbnb's Instagram and Facebook presence featured stunning, aspirational photos of unique accommodations and authentic local experiences, encouraging followers to "live like a local" in their travels.

  • Email Marketing: Personalized email recommendations and travel guides helped subscribers discover new destinations and experiences tailored to their interests, reinforcing the idea that Airbnb offers more than just a place to stay.

  • Video Spots: Airbnb's "Live There" video series showcased the stories of real travelers immersing themselves in local cultures and communities worldwide, from cooking classes to neighborhood tours, emphasizing the brand's commitment to authentic, immersive travel.

  • Lessons Learned: By consistently emphasizing the value of authentic, local experiences across all touchpoints, Airbnb was able to differentiate itself from traditional travel booking sites and build a strong brand identity centered around the idea of "belonging anywhere."

neon sign in the shape of a Nike shoe

Photo by Josh Redd on Unsplash

Nike's "Just Do It" Campaign

  • Social Media: Across Instagram and Twitter, Nike shared inspirational posts featuring athletes and everyday heroes pushing their limits and achieving their goals, all tied together with the iconic "Just Do It" slogan.

  • Email Marketing: Nike's email newsletters brought the "Just Do It" message to life with personalized stories of athletes overcoming adversity, product recommendations, and motivational tips.

  • Video Spots: During major sporting events like the Olympics and World Cup, Nike aired high-energy commercials showcasing the grit and determination of top athletes, set to pulse-pounding music and the "Just Do It" tagline.

  • Lessons Learned: By maintaining a consistent, motivational message across all touchpoints and tailoring that message to the specific strengths of each medium, Nike created a cohesive, impactful campaign that resonated with audiences worldwide.

Dove soap bar in front of green background

Dove's "Real Beauty" Campaign

  • Social Media: On Facebook and Instagram, Dove showcased user-generated content featuring real women celebrating their unique beauty, fostering a sense of community and authenticity.

  • Email Marketing: Dove's email newsletters delved deeper into the issues surrounding beauty standards and self-esteem, featuring personal stories and thought-provoking articles.

  • Video Spots: Dove's emotionally powerful video spots, aired on YouTube and TV, highlighted the stories of real women grappling with societal pressures and learning to embrace their beauty.

  • Lessons Learned: By centering authentic, relatable stories and experiences across all media, Dove created a campaign that promoted its products and sparked meaningful conversations and connections with its audience.

Key Takeaways

These success stories teach us three key lessons about killer multi-platform advertising:

  • Use a strong, consistent brand voice everywhere: Dollar Shave Club was funny across platforms. Airbnb stayed inspirational everywhere. Keeping your tone aligned on all channels helps create a smooth, cohesive experience.

  • Feature real users and their content: Airbnb got people to make acceptance videos and posts. This built trust and got fans involved. Show real customers to boost authenticity.

  • Test different approaches on each platform: A TikTok hit might flop on Instagram. Keep trying new ideas tailored to each place. Analyze data to see what works. Then, refine your strategy.

By continually analyzing your performance and adapting your strategy accordingly, you can optimize your content for maximum impact.

Navigating the Social Media Landscape: A Platform-Specific Guide

Now that we've explored some high-level strategies and success stories, let's dive into the specifics of crafting effective content for four of the biggest social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Facebook: Engage with Visuals and Conversation Starters

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a powerhouse in social media. When it comes to Facebook, visual content is your secret weapon. Eye-catching images and videos are more likely to stop scrollers in their tracks and encourage engagement. Don't be afraid to encourage comments, either—it’s a great way to foster a sense of community and build brand loyalty.

  • Use eye-catching visuals: Posts with images or videos tend to perform better than plain text.

  • Ask questions and encourage conversation: Facebook's algorithm prioritizes posts that spark meaningful interactions.

  • Run targeted ads: Facebook's robust advertising platform allows you to reach specific audience segments based on interests, behaviors, and demographics.

This platform loves numbers and questions. Why? Because they promise quick, digestible content that engages the reader’s curiosity. Think headlines like:

  • “7 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine”

  • “Are You Making These Common Marketing Mistakes?”

  • “How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation”

Instagram: Elevate Your Aesthetic with Creative Captions

On Instagram, it's all about the aesthetics. Use this space to tell a story, share a bit of your brand's personality, and encourage engagement with relevant hashtags and calls to action.

  • Invest in high-quality visuals: Whether it's photos, videos, or graphics, it's crucial to ensure that your visual content is eye-catching and professional-looking.

  • Craft engaging captions: While visuals are the star on Instagram, captions provide essential context and can help drive engagement. Use storytelling, ask questions, and include clear calls to action.

  • Leverage hashtags and Instagram Reels: Hashtags can help expand your reach to new audiences; Reels offer a creative, engaging way to showcase your brand's personality and connect with your followers through short, entertaining videos.

While Instagram is a visual-first platform, strong CTAs can make a big difference. Examples include:

  • “Tap the link in our bio to shop the look!”

  • “Tag a friend who needs to see this!”

  • “Swipe left for a surprise!”

TikTok: Embrace Your Playful Side with Trendy, Creative Content

TikTok is all about short, attention-grabbing video content that taps into current trends and challenges. Don't be afraid to let your brand's playful side shine—authenticity is key on TikTok.

  • Optimize for vertical viewing: Create videos that are designed to be watched on mobile devices, taking advantage of the full-screen vertical format.

  • Embrace trends and challenges: Participate in trending sounds, hashtags, and challenges to increase visibility and engage with the TikTok community.

  • Keep it authentic and relatable: TikTok users appreciate content that feels genuine and unpolished, so don't be afraid to showcase your brand's personality in a raw, authentic way.

  • Collaborate and partner with others: Boost your exposure by collaborating with influencers or other brands to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

  • Utilize text overlays and captions: Incorporate text overlays and captions in your videos to deliver key messages and make your content more accessible to viewers watching without sound.

Short and snappy is the name of the game. Use catchy phrases and CTAs to keep viewers engaged. Examples:

  • “Watch till the end for a surprise!”

  • “Hit the follow button for more hacks!”

  • “Comment with your favorite tip!”

LinkedIn: Establish Your Professional Presence with Thought Leadership

As the world's largest professional networking platform, LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketing and professional networking. To make a lasting impression on this business-focused audience, keep these tips in mind:

  • Share valuable industry insights and thought leadership: LinkedIn users seek content that helps them stay informed and grow professionally. Share articles, case studies, and expert opinions that showcase your brand's expertise.

  • Leverage LinkedIn's publishing platform: By publishing long-form articles directly on LinkedIn, you can establish your brand as an authority in your industry and reach a wider audience.

  • Use sponsored content and targeted ads: LinkedIn's advertising platform allows you to promote your content to specific audience segments based on job title, company size, industry, and other professional demographics, ensuring your message reaches the right decision-makers.

This is where you can get a bit more formal and detailed. Your audience is likely looking for professional insights and industry news. Headlines should be informative and authoritative. Examples:

  • “The Future of Remote Work: Trends to Watch in 2023”

  • “How Our Company Achieved a 30% Increase in Productivity”

  • “5 Leadership Lessons from Top CEOs”

Integrating Multi-Channel Writing into Your Marketing Strategy

Venn diagram of marketing channels with multi-channel writing at the center

Now that we've covered the importance of writing for different media and explored some best practices and examples, let's dive into how you can effectively integrate this approach into your overall marketing strategy.

Conducting Audience Research for Each Platform

To create content that truly resonates with your target audience on each platform, it's essential to conduct thorough research into their demographics, interests, pain points, and behavior patterns. Some key questions to consider:

  • Age Range: Are they teenagers, young adults, or maybe retirees? Each age group has its own quirks and preferences.

  • Gender Makeup: Is your audience predominantly male, female, or a mix of both? This can influence the tone and style of your content.

  • Hot Topics: What are the trending topics in your niche? Are they into tech gadgets, fitness tips, or DIY crafts?

  • Content Formats: Do they prefer watching videos, reading articles, or scrolling through infographics? Knowing this helps you create content they’ll consume.

  • Challenges: What problems are they facing? Maybe they’re struggling with time management, looking for budget-friendly travel tips, or trying to eat healthier.

  • Aspirations: What are their dreams and goals? Do they want to start a business, get fit, or travel the world?

Tools like Facebook Audience Insights, TikTok Ads Manager, and Instagram Insights can provide valuable data to inform your research, as can social listening tools and customer surveys.

Developing a Cohesive Multi-Channel Content Strategy

With insights about your audience on each platform, you can develop a comprehensive multi-channel content strategy. This should include:

  • Clearly defined goals and KPIs for each channel (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, customer engagement)

  • A content mix that aligns with the strengths and best practices of each platform

  • A consistent brand voice and messaging framework to ensure cohesion across all touchpoints

  • An editorial calendar outlining content themes, formats, and publishing schedules for each channel

Remember, while all content should be tailored to its specific medium, your overarching strategy should tell a cohesive brand story and drive toward common objectives.

Training and Resources for Multi-Channel Copywriting

Creating effective content for multiple channels requires a diverse skill set, from short-form copywriting for social media to long-form storytelling for blog posts and email newsletters. To set your team up for success, consider investing in training and resources such as:

  • Workshops or courses on platform-specific best practices and emerging trends

  • Style guides and templates for each content format to ensure consistency and quality

  • Collaboration tools like content calendars, project management software, and shared asset libraries

  • Access to industry publications, case studies, and thought leadership to stay informed and inspired

You'll be well-positioned to create content that drives results by equipping your team with the knowledge and tools they need to excel at multi-channel copywriting.

A person using a laptop for content strategy

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Measuring and Optimizing Performance Across Channels

To ensure your multi-channel content strategy delivers the desired impact, it's crucial to regularly measure and optimize your performance on each platform. Key metrics to track might include:

  • Reach and impressions

  • Engagement rate (likes, comments, shares)

  • Click-through rate

  • Conversion rate (sign-ups, purchases, etc.)

  • Bounce rate and time on page (for blog content)

  • Email open and click-through rates

Use this data to identify top-performing content themes and formats and areas for improvement. Conduct A/B tests to optimize elements like headlines, visuals, and calls to action, and continually refine your strategy based on your findings.

By taking a data-driven approach to multi-channel content optimization, you can ensure your writing efforts drive meaningful business results.

Refining Your Strategy

Optimization is an ongoing process. Use the insights from your data analysis and A/B tests to continually refine your strategy. Here’s how:

  • Regular Reviews: Set aside time regularly to review your performance data and make adjustments to your strategy. Depending on your needs, this could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

  • Stay Agile: Be prepared to pivot and make changes as needed. The digital world is ever-evolving; what works today might not work tomorrow. Stay agile and be willing to experiment and adapt.

  • Keep Learning: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing. Attend webinars, read industry blogs, and network with other marketers to keep your skills sharp and your strategy fresh.


Consumers are bombarded with thousands of advertising messages daily. Writing for different media is no longer a nice-to-have—it's a must-have for any brand looking to cut through the noise and make a lasting impact.

By understanding each platform's unique characteristics, crafting tailored messaging that resonates with your target audience, and continually testing and optimizing your approach, you can create a multi-platform advertising strategy that drives actual business results.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of managing content creation across multiple channels, remember that you don't have to go it alone. Consider partnering with experienced advertising professionals who can help you develop a comprehensive, data-driven strategy tailored to your specific goals and audience.

So, whether you're a seasoned marketer or a newbie, remember that the key to advertising success lies in these core skills: adaptability, creativity, and a willingness to meet your audience where they are.

By embracing and implementing these principles, you can create content that captures attention, sparks meaningful connections, and drives long-term brand loyalty.


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